(Der er desværre ingen arrangementer i Danmark, men nederst linker jeg til FAO (FNs fødevareorganisation), som viser begivenheder verden over. På dansk kan man få et indblik i, eller kort præsentation af, emnerne på en fælles Europa-parlamentariker-hjemmeside: http://www.guengl.eu/uploads/_old_cms_files/Food_DK.pdf )
Press Release - La Via
October 16: World Food Sovereignty Day, demands real solutions to
end hunger
Today on October 16, 2013 La Via Campesina celebrates the world food sovereignty day. People around the world will carry out actions to celebrate the need of a people's food system. The global peasants' movement will make its voice heard loud and clear reaffirming that peasants-led agro-ecology is the real solution to global hunger. Not only do peasant farmers feed communities, they also cool the planet and protect mother nature. Unlike agribusiness, peasants do not treat food as a commodity for speculation profiting out of hunger. They do not patent nature for profit, keeping it out of the hands of the common man and woman. They share their knowledge and seeds, so everyone can have food to eat. On this day, La Via Campesina reminds society and governments that if we really want to put an end to hunger, then we must accept the central role of the peasants, and support them to feed humanity.
The 16 of October became the world food day
to commemorate the founding of the FAO, the UN body whose mandate is to end
global hunger and malnutrition. The theme chosen this year to celebrate this
event is “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition”. This is
indeed a recognition that unsustainable food systems will not lead to a future
free from hunger. Yet governments, under the pressure from business interests,
continue to promote unsustainable farming and false solutions to hunger. La Via
Campesina argues that GMOs, agrofuels and land grabbing by private
corporations, which are being promoted by governments around the world in fact
increase hunger.
On October 11, the 40th session of the
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) was closed in Rome. In the decisions of
the CFS the governments recognized the crucial role of the small farmer as a
solution to hunger. The CFS is the UN's main body to coordinate policies to end
hunger. It was revived from its mostly insignificant status earlier after the
ravages of the global food price crisis of 2008 so that a crisis like that
would not be repeated. Andrea Ferrante, La Via Campesina said in Rome,"
Governments of the CFS recognized the diversity and complexity of small holder
production, their need for access to their own markets as well as non monetary
exchanges. It was made clear that small holders should not have to adapt
themselves to the market, but that rules and policies should be adapted to
Agrofuels were a controversial issue on the table. Civil
society organizations called on the CFS not to allow itself to be manipulated
by agrofuel's interest groups. While most governments agreed that agrofuels
increase food insecurity, they did not have the courage to take any concrete
actions because of the hard economic interests at stake. This still leaves a
big space for land grabbers to carry on with their destructive initiatives. La
Via Campesina and its allies will continue to fight on the ground against land
grabbing and to urge governments take up the issue again at the global level to
stop agrofuel expansion.
Peoples' groups around the world have
rallied on Oct 16, but also yesterday on Oct 15 as the Global day of action
against Monsanto. These actions give hope for a future free of hunger, because people
everywhere are standing up to denounce the false solutions of agribusiness, and
to build alternatives of food sovereignty.
More information about the actions around
the globe on www.viacampesina.org
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